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KAUST Discovery - Unleashing ultraviolet brings visible improvement
"High-speed communication systems based on ultraviolet radiation are now in sight."

Outreach Seminars at Effat University by Prof. Qiaoqiang Gan and Dr. Tien Khee Ng
Prof. Qiaoqiang Gan and Dr. Tien Khee Ng presented research seminars on "Fresh Water Generation Using Solar Energy" and "Research at KAUST Photonics Laboratory".

Boon Ooi elected a fellow of the Optical Society of America
"Boon Ooi, professor of electrical engineering in the University’s Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, was recently elected as a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA)."

OSA Spotlight on Optics features "Continuous-wave optically pumped green perovskite vertical-cavity surface-emitter"
"Solution-processed semiconductors have come to rival traditional laser materials at visible wavelengths."

eeNews Europe and Compound Semiconductor features "Researchers prove non-line-of-sight UV Li-fi at 71Mbit/s"
"Modulating the signal of an ultraviolet LED emitting at 294nm, researchers from KAUST have demonstrated a high-speed near-solar-blind communication link with a data rate of 71 Mbit/s. Using UV-B light has several benefits..."

KAUST Discovery - No strings attached for underwater video system
An underwater wireless optical communications system for streaming high-quality, live video.

KAUST Discovery - Fewer defects from a 2D approach
Flatter materials have fewer imperfections, which makes for better solar cells and light sensors.

Chao Shen awarded a 2017 Young Professional Travel Grant from IEEE Photonics Society
This year the conference is taking place October 1-5, 2017 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. Congratulations to Chao Shen.

Semiconductor Today features "Near-ultraviolet laser diodes powering visible light communication"
"First demonstration of near-ultraviolet (NUV) laser diodes (LDs) and red-green-blue (RGB) phosphors for white visible light communication (VLC)."

Compound Semiconductor and Nanowerk features "KAUST Team Reveals Thermodynamic Disorder In GaN-Based Nanowires"
New study shows the thermodynamic entropy behaviour of InGaN/GaN nanowires.

Tien Khee Ng presented an invited talk "Nanowires for Optoelectronic and Solar Water Splitting Applications" at AOM 2017
Tien Khee Ng presented an invited talk and chaired a Micro/nano Optics, Nanophotonics session at the 6th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-optics at Nanjing, China (April 23-26, 2017).

SCI Chemistry & Industry features "What a bright idea"
"Thomas Alva Edison’s incandescent light bulb, patented in 1879, has served us well for more than a century. But, in the modern eco-conscious environment, it is fantastically wasteful – turning 98% of the electricity into heat rather than light."

Semiconductor Today features "Semi-polar indium gallium nitride laser diode/waveguide photodiode combo"
"Researchers based in Saudi Arabia and USA have integrated a waveguide photodetector (WPD) with a 405nm laser diode (LD) using free-standing semi-polar gallium nitride (GaN) technology."

Compound Semiconductor features "Researchers Simplify Fabrication Of Nanowire UV-LEDs On Silicon"
"KAUST team demonstrates dislocation-free AlGaN nanowires that spontaneously coalesce to allow device fabrication without planarisation."

SPIE Newsroom features "Perovskite nanocrystals as color converters for record-breaking visible light communications"
"Cesium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals are used to generate white light that can be used as both an efficient lighting source and for ultrafast data transfer."

KAUST Innovation & Economic Development technology license and video: A Laser-Based Illumination Technology for Indoor Horticulture Applications
"KAUST's Laser Horticulture is a single source light solution for indoor agriculture that saves water, energy and performs longer."

Advanced Science News Research Highlight: "Thermal-Transport Biosensor Distinguishes Different Types of Cancer"
"Scientists from KAUST in Saudi Arabia succeeded in differentiating between two different types of cancer (cervical and breast cancers), and also between subtypes of the same cancer (basal and luminal cancer cells) by measuring their thermal-transport properties."