Past Articles 1994 - 2008
Year 2008
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
24. (Invited paper) Quantum dashes on InP substrate for broadband emitter applications
Boon S. Ooi, Hery S. Djie, Yang Wang, Chee-Loon Tan, James C.M. Hwang, Xiao-Ming Fang, Joel M. Fastenau, Amy W.K. Liu, Gerard T. Dang, and Wayne H. Chang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 14, pp. 1230-1238, July/August, 2008
23. Quantum dash intermixing
Hery S. Djie, Yang Wang, Yun-Hsiang Ding, Dong-Ning Wang, James C.M. Hwang, Xiao-Ming Fang, Ying Wu, Joel M. Fastenau, Amy W.K. Liu, Gerard T. Dang, Wayne H. Chang, and Boon S. Ooi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 14, pp. 1239-1249, July/August, 2008
22. Nano-scale bandgap engineering using nitrogen implantation: quantum-well, quantum-dash and quantum-dot nanostructures
Y.-H. Ding, V. Hongpinyo, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 31, pp. 182-184, 2008
21. Broadband emission in InAs/InGaAlAs quantum-dash-in-well laser
Boon S. Ooi, Hery S. Djie, Amr S. Helmy, and James C.M. Hwang
Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 31, pp. 173-175, 2008
20. Monolithic InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum-dash-in-well extended cavity laser fabricated by postgrowth intermixing
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, Y. Wu, X.-M. Fang, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
Laser Physics Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 400-402, 2008
19. Bandgap engineering of InAs/InGaAlAs quantum-dashes-in-well laser structures: A surface photonvoltage spectroscopy study
Ts. Ivanov, V. Donchev, K. Bachev, Y.-H. Ding, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 113, 012033, 2008
18. The role of optical gain broadening in the ultrabroadband InGaAs/GaAs interband quantum-dot laser
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Computational Material Science, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 167-173, November 2008
17. Simulation of characteristics of broadband quantum dot lasers
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 40, pp. 391-395, July 2008
16. Wavelength tuning and emission width widening of ultrabroad quantum dash interband laser
C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, C.E. Dimas, V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, and B.S. Ooi
Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 93, No. 111101, Sep 2008 (Also featured in Compound Semiconductor - Research Review Column in the issue of November 2008)
15. Effects of intermixing on gain and alpha factors of quantum-dash lasers
C. Chen, Y. Wang, C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 20, pp. 1654-1656, October 2008
14. Sputtered SiO2 Induced Atomic Interdiffusion in Semiconductor Nano Heterostructures
V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, J. Anderson, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, R.R. Du, A. Ganjoo, and H. Jain
Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 31, pp. 33-35, 2008
Conferences and Proceedings (2008)
13. (Invited talk) Photonic Integration and ultra-broadband emitter using quantum-dash intermixing
Boon S. Ooi, C.L. Tan, C. Chen, Y.H. Ding, V. Hongpinyo, C.E. Dimas, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and J.C.M. Hwang
Fourth International Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronics, 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 12-17 October 2008
12. Extension of quasi-supercontinuum generation in multiple-bandgap semiconductor quantum-dash laser
C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, D.N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (IEEE CLEO'08), San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, 4-9 May 2008. (Oral Presentation)
11. Epitaxial growth of high quality InAs/InGaAlAs quantum-dash-in-well structure on InP
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, V. Hongpingyo, C.L. Tan, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, X.M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
IEEE 20th Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IEEE IPRM'08), Versailles, France, 25-29 May 2008. (Poster Presentation)
10. Cascaded exciton relaxation resonantly enhanced by LO phonon in vertically-stacked INAs quantum dots on InP
X. Mu, Y.J. Ding, and B.S. Ooi
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (IEEE CLEO'08), San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, 4-9 May 2008. (Oral Presentation)
9. Quasi-supercontinuum interband lasing characteristics of quantum dot nanostructures
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceedings of IEEE, 8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'08), Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 2008. (Oral Presentation)
8. Realization of extended ultrabroadband quantum-dash laser emission using postgrowth intermixing
C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, and B.S. Ooi
21st Annual Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Meeting (IEEE LEOS 2008 Annual Meeting), Newport Beach, California, USA, 9-13 November 2008. (Oral Presentation)
7. The effect of nonequilibrium carrier distribution on supercontinuum broadband quantum-dash laser emission
C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, and B.S. Ooi
21st Annual Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Meeting (IEEE LEOS 2008 Annual Meeting), Newport Beach, California, USA, 9-13 November 2008. (Oral Presentation)
6. Intrinsic response of quantum dash lasers under optical modulation
C. Chen, S. Halder, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
21st Annual Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Meeting (IEEE LEOS 2008 Annual Meeting), Newport Beach, California, USA, 9-13 November 2008. (Oral Presentation)
5. Broadband Flat-top Superluminescent Diode with Low Spectral Modulation at 850 nm
C.E. Dimas, C.L. Tan, V. Hongpingyo, Y.H. Ding, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photonics Global 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore, 8-11 December, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
4. Intermixing of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Using Multiple Cycles Annealing
V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, C.E. Dimas, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, W. Qiu, L.L. Goddard, E.M. Behymer, G.D. Cole, and T.C. Bond
IEEE Photonics Global 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore, 8-11 December, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
3. Far-field patterns of Quantum Well, Quantum Dash, and Quantum Dot Laser Diodes
Y.H. Ding, C.L. Tan, V. Hongpinyo, C.E. Dimas, Y. Wang, C. Chen, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photonics Global 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore, 8-11 December, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
2. Gain and alpha factor of intermixed InAs/InP quantum-dash lasers
C. Chen, Y. Wang, C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
IEEE Photonics Global 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore, 8-11 December, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
1. Bandgap-engineered broadband stimulated emission in semiconductor quantum dash interband laser
C.L. Tan, H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, V. Hongpinyo, Y.H. Ding, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photonics Global 2008, SMU Conference Centre, Singapore, 8-11 December, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
Year 2007
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
17. Room temperature broadband emission of InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dots laser
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, and M. Hopkinson
Opt. Lett., vol. 32, no. 1, January 1, 2007
16. Bandgap tuning of InAs/InAlGaAs quantum-dash-in-well laser using postgrowth intermixing
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, D.-N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
Electronics Letters, vol. 43, no. 1, January 4
15. Postgrowth band gap trimming of InAs/InAlGaAs quantum-dash-in-well laser
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, D. Negro, and B.S. Ooi
Applied Physics Letter, vol. 90, Art.: 031101, 2007. (This paper also featured in Virtual J. Nano Science and Technology, vol. 15, issue 4, January 2007)
14. Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of interdiffused InAs/InGaAsAlAs quantum dots
V. Donchev, Ts. Ivanov, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Physica Status Solidi (c),4, No. 2, 412, 2007
13. InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Superluminescent Diode for Optical Sensor and Imaging
H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, D.N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 251-257, Feb 2007
12. Interdiffused InAs/InGaAlAs quantum dashes-in-well structures studied by surface photovoltage spectroscopy
Ts. Ivanov, V. Donchev, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
J. Apply. Phys., Vol. 101, No. 114309, Jun 2007
11. Role of optical gain broadening in the broadband semiconductor quantum-dot laser
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 061117, Aug 2007. (This paper also featured in Virtual J. Nano Science and Technology, vol. 16, issue 8, August 2007)
10. Ultra-broad stimulated emission from quantum-dash laser
H.S. Djie, C.L. Tan, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 111116, Sep 2007
Conferences and Proceedings (2007)
9. Postgrowth wavelength engineering of InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum-dash-in-well lasers
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, D.-N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, Y. Wu, X.-M. Fang, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
Proceeding of SPIE, presented in Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
8. Broadband, low ripple 860nm GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well superluminescent diode
C.E. Dimas, R. Merola, C. Vishton, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, presented in Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
7. Quantum-confined Stark effects in interdiffused semiconductor quantum dots
Y. Wang, D. Negro, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, presented in Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
6. Nano-scale bandgap engineering using Nitrogen implantation: quantum-well and quantum-wire nanostructures
Y.-H. Ding, V. Hongpinyo, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2007 - Symposium D: Semiconductor Photonics: Nano-Structured Materials and Devices, 1-6 Jul 2007, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
5. Semiconductor Photonic Integration Using Cu-doped SiO2 Induced Intermixing
Y.-H. Ding, V. Hongpinyo, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Wireless & Optical Communications Conference (WOCC) 2007, 27-28 April, 2007, New Jersey. (Poster Presentation)
4. Gain and linewidth enhancement factor in semiconductor quantum dash-in-well laser
C. Chen, C.L. Tan, S. Halder, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
Wireless & Optical Communications Conference (WOCC) 2007, 27-28 April. 2007, New Jersey. (Poster Presentation)
3. The role of optical gain broadening in the ultrabroadband InGaAs/GaAs interband quantum-dot laser
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2007 - Symposium O: Frontiers in Computational Materials Science, 1-6 Jul 2007, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
2. Gain and linewidth enhancement factor of interdiffused InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum-dash-in-well laser
Y. Wang, C. Chen, C.L. Tan, S. Halder, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2007 - Symposium D: Semiconductor Photonics: Nano-Structured Materials and Devices, 1-6 Jul 2007, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
1. Simulation of derivative characteristics of broadband quantum dot lasers
C.L. Tan, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceedings of IEEE, 7th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'07), Newark, Delaware, United States, 24-27 September 2007. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
Year 2006
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
31. (US Patent) Ultrabroadband semiconductor laser
Boon-Siew Ooi and Hery Susanto Djie
US Patent disclosure, 9 Sep 2006
30. Quantum-confined Stark effect in interdiffused quantum dots
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 89, pp. 151104, 2006
29. Defect annealing of InAs/InAlGaAs quantum-dash-in-asymmetric-well laser
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, D.N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. vol. 16, pp. 2329, 2006
28. Quantum dot intermixing using excimer laser irradiation
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and O. Gunawan
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 89, pp. 081901, 2006. Also cited by Virtual J. Nano Science and Technology, vol. 14, issue 10, Sep 2006
27. Wideband quantum-dash-in-well superluminescent diode at 1.6 um
H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 1747 - 1749, 2006
26. Intermixing of InGaAs quantum-dots grown by cycled monolayer deposition
H.S. Djie, D.-N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, and W.K. Liu
J. Appl. Phys., vol. 100, pp. 033527, 2006
25. Emission wavelength trimming of self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots with GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices by rapid thermal annealing
H.S. Djie, D.-N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, and W.K. Liu
Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, pp. 4344-4347, Sep 2006
24. Interdiffusion effect on quantum well structures grown on GaSb substrate
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, P. Dowd, P. Rotalla, V. Aimez, Y. Cao, S.R. Johnson, and Y.-H. Zhang
Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, pp. 4352-4355, Sep 2006
23. Improving crystal quality of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by inductively coupled Ar plasma
D. Nie, T. Mei, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and X.H. Zhang
Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, pp. 251102, 2006. Also cited by Virtual J. Nano Science and Technology, vol. 14, issue 1, Jul 2006
22. Low-loss monolithic extended cavity laser by low-energy ion-implantation induced intermixing
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Electronics Letters, vol.42, no.12, June 8th, 2006
21. Group-III vacancy induced InGaAs quantum-dot interdiffusion
H.S. Djie, O. Gunawan, D.-N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
Physical Review B, vol.73, Art:155324 (6 pages), May 15, 2006
20. Group III intermixing in InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dots-in-well
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Applied Physics Letters, vol.88, Art.:111110, 2006
19. A single-directional microcavity laser with microloop and widened medium realized with quantum-well intermixing
Y. Huang, Y. Xiao, G. Xu, S. Chang, Y.-G. Zhao, R. Wang, S.T. Ho, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, vol.18 (1), pp130-132, 2006
18. Superluminescent diodes using quantum dots superlattice
C.E. Dimas, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Journal of Crystal Growth, 288 (1), pp.153-156, 2006
17. InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot intermixing using arsenic and phosphorus ion implantation induced disordering
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and V. Aimez
Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 288(1), pp 40-43, 2006
16. Introduction to the special issue on photonics materials and devices - C Preface
M.K. Chin, C.K. Chia, K. Pita, J.H. Teng, and B.S. Ooi
Journal of Crystal Growth, 288 (1), pp.1-1, 2006
15. Investigation of carrier dynamics on InAs quantum dots embedded in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells based on time-resolved pump and probe differential photoluminescence
X. Mu, Y.J. Ding, B.S. Ooi, and M. Hopkinson
Appl. Phys. Lett, 89, 181924, 2006
Conferences and Proceedings (2006)
14. (Postdeadline paper) Ultrabroadband interband semiconductor quantum-dot/dash laser
H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, Y. Wang, C.L. Tan, B.S. Ooi, D.-N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, W.H. Chang, and M. Hopkinson
19th Annual Meeting of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), Montreal, Canada, Oct 29 - Nov 2, 2006, paper PD 1.3
13. (Invited talk) Monolithic integration of photonic devices using interdiffused heterostructures
B.S. Ooi, H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, C.E. Dimas, D.-N. Wang, and J.C.M. Hwang
to be presented in the 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS), Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 29 - Nov 3, 2006
12. Postgrowth wavelength engineering of InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum-dash-in-well lasers
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, D.-N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, Y. Wu, X.-M. Fang, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
to be presented in SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
11. Broadband emission of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well superluminescent diode at 850 nm
C.E. Dimas, C.T. Vishton, R.A. Merola, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
SPIE Photonics West 2007, Proc. SPIE 6475, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XI, paper 64751B, San Jose, USA, [6475-48] 347, Jan 2007
10. Quantum-confined Stark effects in interdiffused semiconductor quantum dots
Y. Wang, D. Negro, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
to be presented in SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
9. Absorption spectroscopy of InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum-dash-in-well laser
D. Negro, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, Ts. Ivanov, and V. Donchev
to be presented in SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, USA, Jan 2007
8. High quality postgrowth emission wavelength engineering of InAs/InAlGaAs/InP quantum dash-in-well laser
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, B.S. Ooi, D.-N. Wang, J.C.M. Hwang, G.T. Dang, and W.H. Chang
Int. Conf. IEEE LEOS, Montreal-CA, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2006
7. Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of interdiffused InAs/InGaAlAs quantum dots
V. Donchev, Ts. Ivanov, K. Kirilov, K. Germanova, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proc. Int. Conf. Superlattices, Nano-Structures and Nano-Devices (CSNN), Istanbul, Turkey, 30 Jul - 4 Aug 2006, p. 169
6. Nitrogen implantation induced intermixing in InAs/InAlGaAs/InP dots-in-well laser
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, and B.S. Ooi
Proc. Int. Conf. IEEE 14th Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM), Princeton, New Jersey, 7-11 May 2006, paper WP1, pp. 270-273
5. Experimental and theoretical study of multiple cations intermixing in InP-based quantum dot-in-well structure
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, presented in Photonics West, San Jose, 23-17 January, 2006. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
4. Broadband long-wavelength dot-in-well superluminescent diode emitting at 1.6um
C.E. Dimas, Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, presented in Photonics West, San Jose, USA, [6124-16] Oral Presentation, 23-17 January, 2006
3. Curing quantum dots using argon inductively coupled plasma
T. Mei, D. Nie, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
NSTI Nanotech 06, Boston, May 7-11, 2006. (Oral presentation, refereed)
2. Quantum-dot Intermixing Enhancement using UV laser irradiation
H.S. Djie, D.-N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, and J.C.M. Hwang
18th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Princeton, 7-11 May 2006 (Oral presentation, refereed)
1. Nitrogen Implantation Induced Intermixing in InAs/InAlGaAs/InP Dots-in-Well Laser
H.S. Djie, Y. Wang, and B.S. Ooi
18th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Princeton, 7-11 May 2006 (poster presentation, refereed)
Year 2005
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
16. Neutral ion implantation induced selective quantum dot intermixing
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and V. Aimez
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 87, pp261102-261104, 2005
15. Interdiffusion in InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb quantum wells
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 98(7), Art. 0735081 (7 pages), 2005
14. Three-dimensional interdiffusion effect to various shapes of quantum dots
O. Gunawan, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 4 (4), pp683-688, 2005
13. Electronics states of interdiffused quantum dots
O. Gunawan, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Physical Review B, vol. 71(20), Art. 205319 (10 pages), May 2005
12. Quantum well intermixing enhancement using Ge-doped sol-gel derived SiO2 encapsulant layer in InGaAs/InP laser structure
H.S. Djie, C.K.F. Ho, T. Mei, and B.S. Ooi
Applied Physics Letters., vol. 86 (8), pp081106:1-3, Feb 2005
Conferences and Proceedings (2005)
11. Photoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by atomic layer epitaxy
D.-N. Wang, H.S. Djie, J.C.M. Hwang, B.S. Ooi, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, W.K. Liu, and S.N.G. Chu
Material Research Symposium-Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2005. (Poster Presentation, refereed)
10. Quantum-well intermixing using Ge-doped sol-gel derived SiO2 encapsulant layer
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, C.K.F. Ho, T. Mei, K. Pita, and Q.N. Ngo
Material Research Symposium-Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2005. (Poster Presentation, refereed)
9. Spatial control of bandgap in long wavelength InAs quantum dot-in-well laser structure
Y. Wang, C.E. Dimas, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, G. Dang, and W. Chang
Material Research Symposium-Fall Meeting, Proceeding of Symposium EE, Boston, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2005. (Poster Presentation, refereed)
8. Reconfigurable semiconductor quantum-dot based wideband emitter for optical sensors
H.S. Djie, C.E. Dimas, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Sensors 2005, California, 31 Oct- 3 Nov 2005. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
7. InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot intermixing using arsenic and phosphorus ion implantation induced disordering
H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and V. Aimez
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2005 - Symposium M: Photonic Materials and Devices, 3-8 Jul 2005, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
6. Emission wavelength trimming of self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots with GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices by rapid thermal annealing
H.S. Djie, D.-N. Wang, B.S. Ooi, J.C.M. Hwang, X.-M. Fang, Y. Wu, J.M. Fastenau, and W.K. Liu
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2005 - Symposium J: III-V Semiconductors for Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Applications, 3-8 Jul 2005, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
5. Superluminescent diodes using quantum dots superlattice
C.E. Dimas, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of International Conference on Materials for Advance Technologies (ICMAT) 2005 - Symposium M: Photonic Materials and Devices, 3-8 Jul 2005, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
4. Interdiffusion effect on quantum well structures grown on GaSb substrate
Y. Wang, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, P. Dowd, P. Rotalla, V. Aimez, Y. Cao, S.R. Johnson, and Y.-H. Zhang
in Proc. ICMAT & IUMRS-ICAM 2005- Symposium J: III-V Semiconductors for Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Applications, 3-8 Jul 2005, Singapore. (Oral Presentation, refereed)
3. Design and fabrication of a micro-cavity laser with transparent micro loop mirror
Y. Huang, Y. Xiao, G. Xu, S.T. Ho, Y. Zhao, C. Luo, J. Wang, and B.S. Ooi
Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2005, California (USA), March 2005. (Poster presentation, refereed)
2. Quantum well saturation in ultra short absorptive waveguide section formed by quantum well intermixing
Y. Huang, B. Liu, S.T. Ho, G. Xu, and B.S. Ooi
The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/QELS) 2005,Anaheim (USA), May 2005 (Oral presentation, refereed)
1. (Invited paper) Interdiffused quantum nanostructure for photonics integration
B.S. Ooi, H.S. Djie, and C.E. Dimas
in Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., vol. 6013, pp. 601304, 2005. (in SPIE Optics East 2005 - Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application II, 23-26 Oct 2005, Boston, USA)
Year 2004
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
5. Multiple-wavelength integration of InGaAs/InGaAsP structures using pulsed laser irradiation induced quantum well intermixing
B.S. Ooi, T.K. Ong, and O. Gunawan
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40(5), pp481-490, 2004
Conferences and Proceedings (2004)
4. Intermixing of quantum-dot heterostructures
O. Gunawan, H.S. Djie, and B.S. Ooi
presented at the 1st Int. Conf. on Nanotechnology, 13-17 Jul 2004, Singapore. (Oral presentation, refereed)
3. Direct writing of multiple-wavelength chip in InGaAs-InGaAsP structure using pulsed laser irradiation
O. Gunawan, T.K. Ong, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, SPIE Optics East 2004, Philadelphia (USA), Nov 2004. (Poster Presentation, refereed)
2. (Invited paper) Intermixing of InGaAs-InGaAs lattice-matched and strained quantum well structures using pre-annealing enhanced defects diffusion technique
R. Wang, Y. Shi, and B.S. Ooi
Proceeding of SPIE, Photonic Asia 04, Beijing (China), November 2004. (refereed)
1. (Invited paper) Monolithic multiple wavelength integration using quantum well intermixing
B.S. Ooi
206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Honolulu (Hawaii), Oct 3-8, 2004. (refereed)
Year 2003
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
2. Impact of quantum well intermixing on polarization anisotropy of InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well modulators
S.L. Ng, H.S. Djie, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, P. Down, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
Journal of Vacuum Science of Technology B, 21(4), pp1482-1486, 2003
1. Wide Optical Bandwidth Electro-Absorption Waveguide Modulator Arrays
S.L Ng, H.S. Djie, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
Journal of Optics Communications, vol. 226 (1-6), pp. 191-197, 2003
Year 2002
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
6. Generation of multiple energy bandgaps using a gray mask process and quantum well intermixing
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
Jpn, J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 41, part1, No.2B, p.1080-1084, 2002
5. A novel fabrication technique for multiple-wavelength photonic-integrated devices in InGaAs-InGaAsP laser heterostructures
H.S. Lim, V. Aimez, B.S. Ooi, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Volume: 14 Issue: 5, May 2002, Page(s): 594 -596
4. Polarisation insensitive InGaAs/InGaAsP electro-absorption intensity modulator using quantum well intermixing process
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
Electronics Letters, Volume: 38 Issue: 5, 28 Feb. 2002 Page(s): 241 -242
3. Low-energy ion-implantation induced quantum well intermixing
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, D. Morris, H.S. Lim, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.8, N0.4, 2002
2. Multiple-wavelength operation of electroabsorption intensity modulator array fabricated using the one-step quantum well intermixing process
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Neauvais, and J. Beerens
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No.11, pp1958-1960, 2002
1. Through wafer via hole by reactive ion etching of GaAs
Y. Chen, C.L. Tan, B.S. Ooi, K. Radhakrishnan, and G.I. Ng
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 4652, 120 (2002)
Year 2001
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
11. Monolithic intracavity laser-modulator device fabrication using postgrowth processing of 1.55um heterostructures
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, S.L. Ng, and B.S. Ooi
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 79, No. 22, pp3582-4, 2001
10. Wavelength tuning in InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well lasers using pulsed photoabsorption induced disordering
T.K. Ong, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and B.S. Ooi
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 78, No. 18, pp2637-2639, 2001
9. Fabrication of band-gap tuned lasers in GaAs/AlGaAs structure using one-step rapid thermal process
B.S. Ooi, S.L. Ng, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
J. Optical Communication, vol.22 (5), 2001
8. Wideband integrated multiple laser chip on 1.55 um heterostructure using controlled bandgap tuning by quantum well intermixing
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, H.S. Lim, and B.S. Ooi
paper CTuV3, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2001 (CLEO '01), USA, May 2001
7. One-step rapid thermal process for bandgap tuned lasers in GaAs/AlGaAs structure
S.L. Ng, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics(CLEO/PR2001), Nippon Convention Center, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan on July 15-19, 2001
6. Fabrication of multiple-wavelength lasers in InGaAs/InGaAsP structures using direct laser writing
T.K. Ong, Y.C. Chan, and B.S. Ooi
4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics(CLEO/PR2001), Nippon Convention Center, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan on July 15-19, 2001. paper No. 1150
5. Polarisation-dependent performance of Multiple wavelength electro-absorption intensity modulator arrays on a single InGaAs/InGaAsP chip
S.L. Ng, H.S. Djie, H.S. Lim, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, P. Dowd, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
ME 4, 14th IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, 12-15 November 2001
4. Electronic structure of interdiffused quantum dots
O. Gunawan, H.S. Djie, B.S. Ooi, and Y.L. Lam
ICMAT 2001, Singapore, paper L7-05
3. A low cost solution in generating multiple-bandgap for 1.55 mm optical fiber communication
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
WCC4, 14th IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, 12-15 November 2001
2. A one-step technique in fabricating InGaAs-InGaAsP monolithic multiple-wavelength laser arrays
H.S. Lim, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
27th European Conference on Optical Communication, September 30th - October 4th 2001, Amsterdam
1. Fabrication of multiple-wavelength lasers in InGaAs-InGaAsP structures using direct laser writing
T.K. Ong, Y.C. Chan, and B.S. Ooi
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Volume: 13 Issue: 11, Nov. 2001 Page(s): 1161 -1163
Year 2000
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
31. Green Color Luminescence in Tb3+:(La,Ln)PO4 (Ln=Gd or Y) Photonic Materials
S. Buddhudu, C.H. Kam, S.L. Ng, Y.L. Lam, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, K.S. Wong, and U. Rambabu
Material Science and Engineering B, 72(1), pp 27-30, 2000
30. Electron cyclotron resonance etching of GaAs vias for monolithic microwave integrated circuits
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, and G.I. Ng
Journal of Optical Materials, vol 14/3,pp. 223-227, 2000
29. High rate electron cyclotron resonance etching of GaAs via hole
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and C.L. Tan
Materials Science and Engineering B, vol 74/1-3, pp. 282-285, 2000
28. Electron cyclotron resonance plasma etching of InP through-wafer connections at > 4 m/min using Cl2/Ar
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and C.L. Tan
Vacuum Science & Technology B, vol.18(4), pp.1903-1905, 2000
27. Dry via hole etching of GaAs using high density Cl2/Ar plasma
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, K. Radhakrishnan, and C.L. Tan
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 18(5), pp2509-2512, 2000
26. A theoretical analysis of quantum well intermixing using pulsed laser irradiation technique in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structure
O. Gunawan, T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
Surface and Coatings Technology, vol 130, pp.116-121, 2000
25. Improvement of organic light-emitting diodes performance by the insertion of a Si3N4 layer
H.J. Jiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, Y.W. Chen, Terence Wee, and Y.L. Lam
Thin Solid Films, vol 363, Issue 1-2, pp. 25-28, Feb 2000
24. Embossed bragg gratings based on organically modified silane waveguides on InP
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, G. Tan, and J. Yao
Applied Optics., vol 39, No 27, pp4942-4945, 2000
23. Characterization of rapid thermal oxidation of AlAs on GaAs/AlGaAs structure
S.L. Ng, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and Y. Zhou
Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. 29, pp 33-37, 2000
22. Green color emission from Tb3+:LnPO4(Ln=La,Gd or Y) phosphors for photonic applications
S.L. Ng, Y.L. Lam, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, C.H. Kam, K.S. Wong, U. Rambabu, and S. Buddhudu
Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol 19, pp.495-497, 2000
21. High spatial resolution quantum well intermixing process in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structure using pulsed photoabsorption induced disordering
T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, A. Saher Helmy, and J.H. Marsh
J. Appl. Physics, vol.87, pp. 2775-2779, 2000
20. Pulsed laser irradiation quantum well intermixing process in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structures
T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
Microelectronics Engineering, vol 51, Issue 52, pp.349-355, 2000
19. Up-conversion emission in violet from yellow in Nd-doped SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 sol-gel glasses
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam, B.S. Ooi, H.X. Zhang, and S. Buddhudu
Materials Research Bulletin, Vol.35, No.9, pp.1571-1578, 2000
18. Luminescence of Tb3+:LnPO4 photonic materials
S.L. Ng, Y.L. Lam, B.S. Ooi, Y. Zhou, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam, K.S. Wong, and S. Buddhudu
EEE Research Bulletin, NTU Jan.2000, pp.12-13
17. Green and red luminescence in Tb3+ and Eu3+:Zn2SiO4 powders
S. Buddhudu, H.X. Zhang, C.H. Kam, S.L. Ng, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W.X. Que, and K.S. Wong
Photonics West 2000, 22 to 28 January 2000, San Jose, California, USA
16. Fluorescence lifetime study on sol-gel derived Er3+-doped SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 planar waveguides
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Photonics West 2000, SPIE V3942, 23-28 January 2000, San Jose, CA, USA
15. Processing and optical properties of Nd3+-doped SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 planar waveguides
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Photonics West 2000, SPIE V.3943, 23-28 January 2000, San Jose, CA, USA
14. Er3+/Yb3+ planar waveguides derived from the sol-gel route for integrated optical applications
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam, and B.S. Ooi
CLEO 2000, 7-12 May 2000, San Francisco, CA, USA
13. Parametric study of InP backside processing using high density plasma etching
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and C.L. Tan
Twelfth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM-2000), paper MP1.25, May 14-18, 2000, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
12. Development of micro-patterned glass waveguide gratings on III-V compounds for integrated applications
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, J. Yao, and Z.S. Yun
CTuB, CLEO, May 2000, San Francisco, California
11. Multiple-channel InGaAs/InGaAsP electro-absorption intensity modulator fabricated using low-energy-phosphorus-ion-implantation-induced intermixing
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y. Zhou, Y.C. Chan, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology (ICAPT) 2000, LN.5.1.20., 12-16 June 2000, Quebec City, Canada, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4087, p. 490-494
10. Study of electron cyclotron resonance dry plasma etching of InP using Cl2/Ar chemistry
Y.W. Chen, S.L. Ng, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and C.L. Tan
the Sixth International Conference of Materials Science in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2000), July 24-26, 2000, Hong Kong
9. Monolithic InGaAs/InGaAsP electro-absorption intensity modulator fabricated using low energy arsenic ion implantation induced intermixing
S.L. Ng, H.S. Lim, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y. Zhou, Y.C. Chan, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
2000 IEEE/LEOS Summer Tropical Meetings 2000, 24-28 July 2000, MA1.0004, Florida, U.S.A
8. Intermixing in InGaAs/InGaAsP multiple quantum well structures using argon plasma exposure
S.L. Ng, Y.W. Chen, C.L. Wee, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and Y. Zhou
Int'l Union of Mat. Res. Societies - 6th Int'l Conference in Asia 2000 (IUMRS-ICA), symposium B, 24-26 July 2000, Hong Kong
7. Pulsed-laser-induced quantum well intermixing in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structures
T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and Y. Zhou
Cleo-Europe 2000 conference, paper CWF96, 10-15 September 2000, Nice Acropolis, France
6. Novel Quantum Well Intermixing in InGaAs-InGaAsP Laser Structure Using Argon Plasma Exposure
T.C.L. Wee, B.S. Ooi, T.K. Ong, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and G.I. Ng
Cleo-Europe 2000 conference, paper CWF95, 10-15 September 2000, Nice Acropolis, France
5. Effects of Zn doping in the substrate on the quantum well intermixing in GaAs/Al0.24Ga0.76As single quantum well structures
F. Zhao, I.W. Choi, P. Hing, S. Yuan, T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, J. Jiang, M.C.Y. Chan, C.C. Surya, E.H. Li
Proceedings of SPIE, Advanced Microelectronic Processing Techniques, International Symposium on Microelectronics and Assembly, Oct 2000, Singapore, Vol. 4227, pp.169-174
4. Post-growth processing of 1.55 m InP/InGaAs/InGaAsP material for integrated laser-modulator devoice fabrication
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, H.S. Lim, S.L. Ng, and B.S. Ooi
OSA Integrated Photonics Research Conference, Active and Compound Semiconductor Devices, Quebec 12-15 July 2000, IPR Technical Digest IthG4-1, p135-137
3. High-quality photonic device fabrication using low-energy-ion-implantation-induced intermixing
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, H.S. Lim, S.L. Ng, and B.S. Ooi
International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology (ICAPT) 2000, Quebec, 12-16 June 2000, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4087, p616-623
2. High-precision metal masking for multiple-wavelength laser diode fabrication using single-step-ion-implantation-induced quantum well intermixing
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, and B.S. Ooi
International Conference on Application of Photonic Technology (ICAPT) 2000, Quebec, 12-16 June 2000, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4087, p607-615
1. Pulsed laser irradiation quantum well intermixing process in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structures
T.K. Ong, Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Low Dimension Structures & Devices, p.349-355, 2000
Year 1999
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
36. Optical properties of Er-doped SiO2-GeO2-Al2O3 planar waveguide fabricated by sol-gel process
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Thin Solid Films, 1999
35. Fabrication of sol-gel derived optical waveguide on InP for hybridized applications
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W.X. Qwe, and B.S. Ooi
Applied Physics A (Online publication, September), vol. 69(6), pp. 649-651, 1999
34. Electronic structure and optical properties of sol-gel SiO2 intermixed GaAs-AlGaAs quantum well structures
O. Gunawan, L.H. Lee, B.S. Ooi, T.C. Au Yeung, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Research Review, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Jan. 1999, p11-12
33. Electronic structure and optical properties of Sol-Gel SiO2 intermixed GaAs-AlGaAs quantum well structures
O. Gunawan, L.H. Lee, B.S. Ooi, T.C. Au Yeung, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
9th MINDEF-NTU Joint R&D Seminar, January 1999
32. Preparation of SiO2 on an InP substrate by a sol-gel technique for integrated optics
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, and B.S. Ooi
Photonics West '99, (3631)S5, 23 - 29 January 1999, San Jose, California, USA
31. A theoretical analysis of quantum well intermixing using pulsed laser irradiation technique in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structure
O. Gunawan, T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
The fifth IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Beijing, China, Paper X88, June 13 - June 18 1999
30. Electron cyclotron resonance etching of GaAs Vias for monolithic microwave integrated circuits
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and Y.C. Chan
Fifth IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM'99), June 13-18, 1999, Beijing, China
29. Experimental comparison of the properties and applications of sol-gel-derived inorganic and organic modified silica films on InP
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, and B.S. Ooi
SPIE's 44th Annual Meeting, 18-23 July 1999, Denver, USA. Conference of Materials and Devices for Photonic Circuits, No.3803-14
28. High spatial resolution quantum well intermixing process in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structures
T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and M.K. Rao
3rd Pacific Rim conference on lasers and electro-optics, (CLEO/Pacific Rim'99), Seoul, Korea, 30 Aug.- 3 Sept. 1999
27. Fabrication of nanostructures using electron beam interference technique - a proposal
O. Gunawan, S.L. Ng, C.H. Ooi, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
oral presentation CLEO/Pacific RIM'99, 4 Sept 1999
26. Fabrication of sol-gel derived glass waveguide on Indium Phosphide based materials for integrated optics
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W.X. Que, and B.S. Ooi
oral presentation, CLEO 99, CThW1
25. Preparation and fluorescence properties of sol-gel derived Er-doped SiO2-GeO2-Al2O3 planar optical waveguides
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam, B.S. Ooi, and H.X. Zhang
oral presentation by CLEO/Pacific Rim'99, September, 1999, South Korea
24. Photonic integration of InGaAs-InGaAsP laser using low energy arsenic implantation induced disordering for quantum well intermixing
H.S. Lim, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
CLEO/Pacific '99, 30 August - 3 September 1999, Seoul, Korea, IEEE Proceeding P. 1030-1031
23. High rate etching of GaAs via connections using Cl2/Ar plasma
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and C.L. Tan
8th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, Devices & Systems (ISIC-99), pp.109-111, September 8-10, 1999, Singapore
22. Pulsed laser irradiation quantum well intermixing process in GaInAs/GaInAsP laser structures
T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, and Y.C. Chan
3rd international conference on low dimensional structures and devices, Antalya, Turkey, 15-17 Sept. 1999
21. High rate electron cyclotron resonance etching of GaAs via hole
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and Y.C. Chan
3rd International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD'99), September 15-17, 1999, Antalya, Turkey
20. Theoretical and experimental study of polarization dependent loss of passive devices for optical fiber communication
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, J. Yao, and B.S. Ooi
Photonics East'99, paper 3847-15, SPIE conference, Optical Devices for Fiber Communication, 19-22 September 1999, Boston, USA, oral presentation
19. Fabrication of bandgap tuned lasers in GaAs/AlGaAs structure using sol-gel SiO2 induced quantum well intermixing
L.H. Lee, B.S. Ooi, Y. Zhou, Y.C. Chan, and Y.L. Lam
Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics Technology into the 21st Century: Semiconductors, Microstructures, and Nanostructures, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3899, pp.162-167
18. Photonic integration of InGaAs-InGaAsP laser using low-energy-implantation-induced quantum well intermixing
H.S. Lim, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, and J. Beerens
Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics Technology into the 21st Century: Semiconductors, Microstructures, and Nanostructures, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3899, pp.168-175
17. Quantum well intermixing of GaAs/AlGaAs laser structure using one-step rapid thermal oxidation of AlAs
S. Ng, O. Gunawan, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and Y. Zhou
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.184-190
16. Dry plasma etching of GaAs vias using BCl3/Ar and Cl2/Ar plasmas
Y.W. Chen, B.S. Ooi, G.I. Ng, and Y.C. Chan
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.199-206
15. Effect of etch pit density of InP substrate on the stability of InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well laser materials
H.S. Lim, T.K. Ong, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and Y. Zhou
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.207-212
14. Polymer light-emitting diodes based on novel soluble poly(p-phenylene vinylene)
H.J. Jiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, and Y.L. Lam
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.231-236
13. Development of microlens arrays for integration with optoelectronic devices
C. Wang, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and B.S. Ooi
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.265-272
12. Deposition of sol-gel-derived inorganic and composite material films on InP for integrated optics
J. Liu, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W.X. Que, G. Tan, and B.S. Ooi
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.417-424
11. Deposition of potassium lithium niobate films by sol-gel method
H.X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, C.H. Kam, Y.L. Lam, B.S. Ooi, and Y.C. Chan
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.425-432
10. Influence of Al/Nd ratio on light-emitting properties of Nd-doped glass prepared by sol-gel process
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, Y.L. Lam, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.433-437
9. Characterization of reactive ion etching of sol-gel SiO2 using Taguchi optimization method
T.C.L. Wee, B.S. Ooi, Y. Zhou, Y.C. Chan, and Y.L. Lam
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.438-444
8. Temperature-dependent luminescence and energy transfer in Europium and rare-earth-codoped nanostructured sol-gel SiO2 glasses
S. Buddhudu, M. Morita, H.X. Zhang, C.H. Kam, Y.L. Lam, Y. Zhou, T.K.S. Wong, Y.C. Chan, B.S. Ooi, S.L. Ng, W. Que
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.459-465
7. Development of a laser holographic interference lithography system
O. Gunawan, W.H. Lui, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and Y. Zhou
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.515-522
6. Comparison of Er-doped sol-gel glasses with various hosts
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, Y.L. Lam, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, C.H. Kam
Proceedings of SPIE, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, Nov 1999, Singapore, Vol. 3896, pp.667-672
5. Oxidation of aluminum-arsenide on GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well laser structure using rapid thermal processor
S.L. Ng, T.C.L Wee, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, and S. Buddhudu
International Conference on Laser Materials and Devices'99, New Delhi, India
4. Green up-conversion emission in Er3+:BaTiO4 sol-gel powder
H.X. Zhang, S.L. Ng, T.C.L Wee, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, C.H. Kam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, W.X. Que, and S. Buddhudu
International Conference on Laser Materials and Devices'99, New Delhi, India., Dec 1999
3. Fabrication of ridge waveguides from sol-gel derived Nd-doped SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 glass films
Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
2. Characterization of high quality photonic devices using Raman spectroscopy
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, H.S. Lim, S.L. Ng, and B.S. Ooi
Condensed Matter and Material Physics Conference (Leicester UK, December 1999)
1. Multilayer masking technique for graded intermixing induced by low energy ion implantation
V. Aimez, J. Beauvais, J. Beerens, H.S. Lim, and B.S. Ooi
9th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, August 10-13 1999
Year 1998
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
11. Reduced damage reactive ion etching process for the fabrication of InGaAsP/InGaAs multiple quantum well ridge waveguide lasers
B.C. Qiu, B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, S.E. Hicks, C.D.W. Wilkinson, R.M. DeLaRue, and J.H. Marsh
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Microelectronics Processing & Phenomena, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp1818-1823, 1998
10. Optical characterisation of quantum well wires using arsenic implantation induced intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs structures
B.S. Ooi, A. Saher Helmey, Y.S. Tang, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J. Beauvious
Journal of Applied Physics., Vol. 83, No. 8, pp4526-4530, 1998
9. Quantum well wires using arsenic implantation induced intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs structures
B.S. Ooi, A. Saher Helmey, Y.S. Tang, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J. Beauvious
Technical Digest of Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics-Europe (CLEO Europe)'98, paper CThK5, p335, 1998
8. Mach-Zehnder modulators monolithically integrated with Fabry-Perot laser diodes in GaAs/AlGaAs using impurity-free vacancy disordering
A. Saher Helmy, B.S. Ooi, F. Camacho, A.C. Bryce, J.S. Aitchison, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
Technical Digest of Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics-Europe (CLEO Europe)'98., paper CME5, p19, 1998
7. Quantum well intermixing in GaAs-AlGaAs laser structure using sol-gel SiO2 dielectric cap
L.H. Lee, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of SPIE (Semiconductor Lasers III), Vol 3547, pp319-323, 1998
6. Study Of Propagation Losses In GaAs/AlGaAs Single Mode Ridge Waveguides Fabricated Using Impurity Free Vacancy Disordering
L.H. Lee, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of 4th National Symposium On Progress in Materials Research, pp187-189, 27th March 1998
5. Fabrication and Characterisation of Bandgap Tuned Lasers In GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Structures Using Pulsed Laser Irradiation
K.N. Srijith, V. Ranjit, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of 4th National Symposium On Progress in Materials Research, (Best Postal Award), pp137-139, 27th March 1998
4. Low Temperature (77 K) Photoluminescence Measurement Using 1x2 Optical Fibre Coupler technique
Y.K. Lin, D.W.L. Leong, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, and Y.L. Lam
Proceeding of 4th National Symposium On Progress in Materials Research, pp30-32, 27th March 1998
3. Characterisation of GaAs/AlGaAs Extended Cavity lasers fabricated using dielectric cap induced quantum well intermixing
V. Ranjit, K.N. Srijith, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of 4th National Symposium On Progress in Materials Research, pp133-136, 27th March 1998
2. Characterisation of bandgap tuned lasers fabricated using sol-gel SiO2 induced quantum well intermixing
O. Gunawan, B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, and C.H. Kam
invited paper, 1st MRS (Singapore) Symposium, National University of Singapore, 1998
1. Characterisation of GaAs-AlGaAs external cavity lasers fabricated using dielectric cap induced quantum well intermixing
O. Gunawan, B.S. Ooi, Y.C. Chan, and Y.L. Lam
The Inaugural Symposium of the Materials Research Society Singapore, Nov 1998
Year 1997
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
9. Effect of p and n-doping on neutral impurity and SiO2 dielectric cap induced quantum well intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs structures
B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J.S. Roberts
Semiconductor Sciences and Technology, Vol. 12, pp121-127, 1997
8. Suppression of quantum well intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures using phosphorous-doped SiO2 encapsulant layer
P. Cosumano, B.S. Ooi, A. Saher Helmy, S.G. Ayling, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, B. Vogette, and A.J. Rose
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 81, pp2445-2447, 1997
7. Quantum well intermixing of GaAs/AlGaAs structures using pulsed laser irradiation
B.S. Ooi, C.J. Hamilton, K. McIlvaney, A.C. Bryce, R.M. DeLaRue, J.H. Marsh, and J.S. Roberts
IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp587-589, 1997
6. Selective quantum well intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs using impurity free vacancy induced disordering
B.S. Ooi, K. McIlvaney, M.W. Street, A. Saher Helmy, S.G. Ayling, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J.S. Roberts
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp1784-1793, 1997
5. Mach-Zehnder modulators in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well structures: A regrowth-free approach for monolithic integration
A. Saher Helmey, B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, J.S. Atchison, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
Proceeding. Semiconductor Integrated OptoElectronics 97, pp133-136, 1997
4. Mach-Zehnder modulators in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well structures: A regrowth-free approach for monolithic integration
A. Saher Helmey, B.S. Ooi, F. Camacho, A.C. Bryce, J.S. Atchison, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
IEE Proceeding of Optoelectronics Integration and Switching, Vol. 372, pp 13.40, 1997
3. Low damage reactive ion etching process for fabrication of ridge waveguide lasers
B.C. Qiu, B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, S.E. Hicks, C.D.W. Wilkinson, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
Conference Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Material, Vol. 9, 1997
2. Quantum well intermixing of InGaAs/InGaAsP structures using pulsed laser irradiation
B.S. Ooi, T.C. Au Yueng, A.T.S. Ho, Y.C. Chan, Y.L. Lam, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of Progress in Materials R&D, Poster Conference in Conjunction With IMRE Launching, p71, 1997
1. Modification of Optical Properties of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Structure Using Dielectric Cap Induced Disordering
B.S. Ooi, Y.L. Lam, Y.C. Chan, Y. Zhou, and C.H. Kam
Proceeding of Progress in Materials R&D, Poster Conference in Conjunction With IMRE Launching, p70, 1997
Year 1996
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
9. Fabrication of multiple wavelength lasers in GaAs/AlGaAs structures using a one-step spatially controlled quantum well intermixing technique
B.S. Ooi, S.G. Ayling, A.C. Bryce, and J.H. Marsh
IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp944-946, 1996
8. The application of the selective intermixing in selected area (SISA) technique to the fabrication of photonic devices in GaAs/AlGaAs structures
B.S. Ooi, M.W. Street, S.G. Ayling, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J.S. Roberts
International Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp257-264, 1996
7. Direct writing of gratings in GaInAs/GaInAsP quantum well using pulsed laser irradiation
B.S. Ooi, E.L. Portnoi, C.J. McLean, A. McKee, A.C. Bryce, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
IPRM'96 Conference Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Material. Vol. 8, pp252-255, 1996
6. Investigation of the resolution limit of the hydrogen plasma induced defect layer intermixing process
A. Saher Helmy, B.S. Ooi, and J.H. Marsh
Integrated Photonics Research, OSA Technical Digest Series, Vol. 6, pp228-231, 1996
5. Quantum well intermixing in GaInAs/GaInAsP and GaAs/AlGaAs structures using pulsed laser irradiation
A.C. Bryce, R.M. De La Rue, J.M. Marsh, and B.S. Ooi
Material Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 450, p413-418, 1996
4. Impurity free vacancy disordering using phosphorus doped SiO2 and pure SiO2 caps
P. Cusumano, A. Saher Helmey, B.S. Ooi, R.M. De La Rue, A.C. Bryce, and J.H. Marsh
Material Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 450, p419-424, 1996
3. Using the SISA process to realise bandgap tuned lasers, broadband LEDs and waveguide demultiplexers
B.S. Ooi
paper presented at Optoelectronics Consortium Meeting, University of Wales College of Cardiff (UK), 5 January 1996
2. Direct writing of gratings in GaInAs/GaInAsP quantum well using pulsed laser irradiation
B.S. Ooi, E.L. Portnoi, A.C. Bryce, R.M. De La Rue, and J.H. Marsh
Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), Newsletter III-V Semiconductor Facility (UK), Issue 3, pp3-4, 1996
1. Impurity free vacancy disordering using phosphorous dope SiO2 and pure SiO2 caps
A.C. Bryce, P. Cusumano, A. Saher Helmy, J.H. Marsh, and B.S. Ooi
Materials Research Society, paper 05.7, Infrared Applications of Semiconductors - Materials, Processing, and Devices, Symposium O, 2-5 December 1996
Year 1995
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
5. Study of C2F6 overetch induced damage and the effects of overetch on subsequent SiCl4 etch of GaAs/AlGaAs
B.S. Ooi, S.E. Hicks, A.C. Bryce, C.D.W. Wilkinson, and J.H. Marsh
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp4961-4969, 1995
4. Integration process for photonic integrated circuits using plasma damage induced layer intermixing
B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, and J.H. Marsh
Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp449-451, 1995
3. GaAs/AlGaAs photonic integrated circuits fabricated using impurity-free vacancy disordering
J.H. Marsh, P. Cusumano, A.C. Bryce, B.S. Ooi, and S.G. Ayling
Proceeding of The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineering (SPIE), invited paper, Vol. 2401, pp74-86, 1995
2. Multiple wavelength laser chip fabricated using spatially control quantum well intermixing
B.S. Ooi, S.G. Ayling, A.C. Bryce, and J.H. Marsh
Technical Digest of Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Vol. 15, pp152-153, 1995
1. Plasma-based integration process for photonic integrated circuits
B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, and J.H. Marsh
Technical Digest of Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Vol. 15, pp224-225, 1995
Year 1994
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
3. Study of reactive ion etching-induced damage in GaAs/AlGaAs structures using a quantum well intermixing probe
B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, C.D.W. Wilkinson, and J.H. Marsh
Applied Physics Letter. Vol. 64, No.5, pp598-600, 1994
2. Transmission electron microscope study of fluorine and boron implanted and annealed GaAs/AlGaAs
B.S. Ooi, A.C. Bryce, J.H. Marsh, and J. Martin
Applied Physics Letter, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp87-89, 1994
1. Fabrication of Photonic Integrated Circuits Using Quantum Well Intermixing
B.S. Ooi
PhD Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1994