Damián San Román Alerigi


PhD Student

"Currently an Engineer at Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia"



Damian San Roman joined KAUST in 2010 as a founding class member within the Master’s program in Photonics. He is currently studying for a Ph. D. in dynamic optical transformations. Damian’s Ph.D. work focuses on the understanding and modeling of how different physical phenomenon affect the permittivity and permeability tensors of materials and material-structures. How such effects (Aharonov-Bohm, Kerr, Thermal Cassimir, plasmonics, and other non-linear effects) can be used to induce changes in the refractive index of a material or its structure.

This research will ultimately lead to implementation of different refractive index mappings to study the propagation of light in random and fractal-like structures; as well as enabling mappings to confine and reshape the propagation of light in photonic integrated circuits (PIC).

He received his Diploma in Physics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2009

Research Interests

​Damian focus his research interest in solving the inverse electromagnetic problem through a variety of mathematical tools like transformation optics, variational methods, adjoint problem, etc.. With attention to transient refractive index perturbations and their possible applications towards light trapping, light delay lines, and beam transformation for the new generation of light technologies.

Selected Publications

D. P. San-Roman-Alerigi, A. B. Slimane, T. K. Ng, M. Alsunaidi, and B. S. Ooi, "A possible approach to optical analogies of gravitational attractors," Optics Express 21, 8298, 2013

D. P. San-Roman-Alerigi, D. H. Anjum, Y. Zhang, X. Yang, A. B. Slimane, T. K. Ng, M. N. Hedhili, M. Alsunaidi, and B. S. Ooi, "Electron irradiation induced reduction of the permittivity of chalcogenide glass (As2S3) thin fim," Journal of Applied Physics 113, 044116, 2013. arXiv:1208.4542v1

D. P. San-Roman-Alerigi, A. B. Slimane, T. K. Ng, M. Alsunaidi, and B. S. Ooi, "On a pragmatic approach to optical analogues of gravitational attractors," IEEE Proceedings of Photonics Global Conference 2012. arXiv: 1212.1990

D. P. San-Roman-Alerigi, T. K. Ng, M. Alsunaidi, Y. Zhang, and B. S. Ooi, “Generation of J0 -Bessel-Gauss beam by an heterogeneous refractive index map,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29, 1252–1258 2012. DOI:/10.1364/JOSAA.29.001252 | arXiv:1208.4522v1 |​​​

D. P. San Roman Alerigi,T.K. Ng, Y. Zhang, A. B. Slimane, and B. S. Ooi, “Monolithic Silicon-based Gauss to J0 Bessel beam conventer,” Proceedings of PIERS 2012 2012.

H. Al-Falih, Y. Khan, Y. Zhang, D. P. San-Roman-Alerigi, D. Cha, B. S. Ooi and T. K. Ng, “Fabrication of tuning-fork based AFM and STM Tungsten probe,” Proceedings of HONET 2011 2011.


  • Masters in Science in Electrical Engineering (Photonics) from KAUST (Saudi Arabia) in 2010

  • Diploma in Physics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2009​

Professional Profile

2006-2009 Junior Research Fellow at UNAM Advanced Optics Laboratory,2006 Teacher assistant for Electrodynamics II at UNAM College of Sciences,2007 Research Fellow at the Joint Quantum Institute at the UMD Atomic and Molecular Optics Laboratory2008 Research Fellow at the Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques (ICFO),2009 Research Fellow at KAUST Photonics Laboratory,2011 Teacher assistant for Introduction to Statistics, KAUST,2011 Research Fellow at Estrategia and Desarrollo - Consulting Group,​2012 Teacher assistant for Introduction to Statistics, KAUST.

Scientific and Professional Memberships

​Optical Society of America (OSA),Intitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE),American Physical Society (APS),Sociedad Mexicana de Física (SMF).


​2007 UMD-REU Research Scholarship 2008 Caixa Catalunya – ICFO Research Scholarship 2008 UNAM-PAPIIME Research Scholarship 2008 KAUST Discovery Scholar ​2009 KAUST Provost Award2010 KAUST Academic Excellence Award​

KAUST Affiliations

Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering | Electrical Engineering


Chao Shen


Davide Priante