EE Graduate Seminar: Self-Assembled AlGaInN Axial-Nanowires on Unconventional Substrates

Tien-Khee-Ng Seminar2.jpeg

Group-III nitrides (AlGaInN) feature direct bandgaps covering a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum, making them suitable for solid-state lighting, chemical/biological sensing, water splitting, medical diagnostics, and optical communication. These nanowires defy the conventional crystal/epitaxial growth requirements of lattice-, thermal and crystal-structure-matching, as the nanostructures can be grown strain- and defect-free on various unconventional substrates, such as silicon and metals. The combinatorial choice of composition, layer-structure arrangement and materials (metal-seeding as the nucleation template and compound semiconductor) offer further advantages over their planar epitaxy counterparts, including wavelength tunability to the near infrared and other practical device-design considerations. In this talk, we present our recent achievements in growing the group-III-nitride nanowires using molecular beam epitaxy for addressing the technology gap in light-emitting devices and the implementation of the metal interfacial layer for facilitating carriers extraction in solar-hydrogen generation.
Bio: Dr. Tien Khee Ng is a senior research scientist and laboratory manager with Ooi-group at Photonics Laboratory, KAUST. His research encompasses exploratory investigation of hybrid expitaxial growth, innovation in optoelectronic devices (lasers, light-emitting devices and photodetectors), as well as the applications of group-III-nitride devices in optical communication and indoor horticulture.

More Information contact:
Dr. Tien Khee Ng

Date: Sunday 10th Feb 2019
Time:12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Location: Building 9, Lecture Hall 1 Room 2322
Light Lunch will be provided


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